Omaha | Denver | San Francisco | San Jose
September 26
7:00-9:00 pm (Poetry Walk) Listen To Us

Six San Francisco-based American Indian poets will walk from Telegraph Hill to the American Indian
Cultural District, reading their favorite ‘Warrior Poet’ poems along the way. They represent California tribes and others from across the nation.
9:00-10:00 pm (Concert) ….
San Francisco…..
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10.00-11.00 pm (Aftershow) PATCH
(the exact location will be shared at Poetry Downtown San Francisco)
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Every night, you can meet, drink, dance and talk with your favorite poet at Poetry And Tales Cocktail Hour. The location will not be shared upfront.
September 27
11:00 am -12.00 pm (Lecture) Poetry, Prose and Art at Alcatraz

This lecture highlights how poetry, prose, and art became tools of resistance and resilience for the five Sicangu Lakota Indians who declared Alcatraz as Indian Land on March 9, 1964, and the following Occupation of Alcatraz from 1969 to 1971.
1:00 – 2.00 pm (Talk) The FBI files

The occupation was led by Richard Oakes, LaNada War Jack, and others, with ‘Warrior Poet’ as spokesman. After he became national chairman of the American Indian Movement (1973–1979). The government targeted A.I.M.’s spirit and momentum. ‘Warrior Poet’s’ 17,000-page FBI file reflects the intense scrutiny he faced.
3:00 – 5.00 pm (Workshop) Ledger Art Poetry

Artist … will teach us how to create Ledger Art Poetry, narrative drawings or paintings with words on paper or cloth. It flourished from the 1860s to 1920s and was revived in the 1960s–70s. In 2023, it was displayed at the Library of Congress.
8:00 -10.00 pm (Lecture) Poetry Downtown San Francisco
…., 1906 Rittenhouse Square
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The following poets will read their work.
8.00-8.20 pm
8.20-8.40 pm
8.40-9.00 pm
9.00-9.20 pm
Learn more at Poetry Downtown San Francisco

At PATCH you can also play the Ultimate Typewriter Showdown: where speed, accuracy and skill determin the ultimate typewriter champion.