Vistaprint delivers and pay me back
What a nightmare. At March 27th I ordered and paid 250 big LA Poetry Beach poster of each 11 x 17 inch and now it’s more then 6 days delayed. It’s a shame. But Chris did from Vistaprint did his best to solve this problem. He promised that they will give me the money back…
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US Poetry Month
This April, US Poetry Month, I will travel from East to West coast to promote LA Poetry Beach and it’s side events LAPD and the Poetry Train. During my trip I will visit +/- 120 independent bookstores, libraries, musea and festivals in 64 cities / 20 states along the route. Presentation LA Poetry Beach Promotion…
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Paradise for the poets
A few weeks ago I found in The Winslow Mail (1919-02-14) this article and I think it’s really funny. PARADISE FOR THE POETS World Surely Would Be Pleasant Dwelling Place If All Sweet Singers Were Endowed. (read under the image the text) A contemporary suggests that poets and poetry—be endowed. Should such a great and…
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This Lamar Town
At HPPR Radio I found this great Lola Sperra poem called This Lamar Town. I love it! This Lamar Town I grew up in this Lamar town When many stores were easily foundBen Franklins, Duckwalls and more were aroundThat’s how it was in this Lamar town. Corner Pharmacy, JC Penny, were also in townSaturday nights…
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Beyond Baroque will be our last stop
We have great news. Beyond Baroque will be our last stop at the 3,500 miles LA Poetry Beach Festival promotion tour 2022. Coast to coast promotion tour This April 1st I will leave New York City at 9 o clock in the morning and in 21 days I will visit +/- 120 independent bookstores, libraries,…
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Ten pioniers
This are the first 10 independent bookstores and libraries that accepted my proposal to visit them during the April Poetry Month: Harriett’s Bookshop in Philadelphia, PAThis independent bookshop & writing space celebrating female writers, activists, and artists. The Book Rack in Cincinnati, OHServing bibliophiles on Cincinnati’s east side. Galesburg Public Library in Galesburg, ILThis library…
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Library of Congress
It’s a pitty that I couldn’t register our LAPB2021 poetrybook because the book will appear every year and that makes it a periodic interval and this kind of publication are not eligible for the PCN Program! Bad luck!
First sketch of LAPB2022 poster
Hi what do you think of the Los Angeles Poetry Beach Festival 2022. I have to add extra information like the poetry train, some dates, etc but that I will do when I start painting the poster. I want to finish the painting the end of February and then we gonna print it in 250…
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Poetry books of Greg Bell
At LAPB2021 we had a poet from Los Angeles and we had a small talk before about ao how to throw a lasso to catch cattle. He told me that he catch many cows in the past. I thought that he was bluffing. So I asked him can you show us how to throw a lasso.…
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