Category: Uncategorized

The 5th Poetry Downtown Festival is canceled—unable to proceed as Drive Music Publishing didn't grant us the copyrights to celebrate the extraordinary life and work of 'Warrior Poet'.

The poetrytrain just left NYC

At 3.40 p.m. we left New York City. Jump on the poetrytrain if you want to submit a poem. It’s for free!

December 8, 2021 0

91 stops

At these 91 stations the #poetrytrain 2021 will stop: state day station Poet arrival/depart New York dec 7 NYP (New York Penn Station, NY) – 3:40 p.m. depart New York dec 7 CRT (Croton-on-Hudson, NY) – 4:33 p.m. New York dec 7 POU (Poughkeepsie, NY) – 5:18 p.m. New York dec 7 RHI (Rhinecliff, NY)…
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November 30, 2021 0

Poetrytrain Ohio

We the poets, are in Ohio on day 2 of the Poetrytrain. Jump on the #poetrytrain to Los Angeles from one of the following trainstations in Ohio. CLE (Cleveland, OH) – 03:33 a.m. ELY (Elyria, OH) – 04:14 a.m. SKY (Sandusky, OH) – 04:51 a.m. TOL (Toledo, OH) – 05:55 a.m. BYN (Bryan, OH) –…
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November 25, 2021 0

What is the Beautiful?

by Kenneth Patchensee also the video from Aaron Bergner below The narrowing line.Walking on the burning ground.The ledges of stone.Owlfish wading near the horizon.Unrest in the outer districts. Pause. And begin again.Needles through the eye.Bodies cracked open like nuts.Must have a place.Dog has a place. Pause. And begin again.Tents in the sultry weather.Rifles hate holds.Who…
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November 25, 2021 0

Press release L.A. Poetry Beach Festival 2021

Los Angeles, November 25, 2021For immediate release Foundation Aquarius pays tribute to one of California greatest poets, Kenneth Patchen (1911-1972). In recognition of K. Patchen, the L.A. Poetry Beach Festival will be held on his 110 th birthday, december 13, 2021. ThemeThe theme of this year’s L.A. Poetry Beach Festival is ‘get ready to die’.…
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November 25, 2021 0

The poetrytrain will visit these states

This year the #beachtobeach #poetrytrain will depart from NYC and the poetry train will bring poets together from the following 12 states. Don’t worry if you life in one of the other states or even country because everybody can join L.A. Poetry Beach 2021. Register here! New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinios, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota,…
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November 23, 2021 0

Join the #poetrytrain

Hi poets, on december 7 I will take at 3:40 p.m. the poetrytrain to Chicago. Please jump on the train in New York or one of the 19 stops till Chicago. I would like if there is always one poet at my side. Travel with us, talk with us and write with us. Just do…
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November 19, 2021 0


by Charles Bukowski I drive to the beach at nightin the winterand sit and look at the burned-down amusement pierwonder why they just let it sit therein the water.I want it out of there,blown up,vanishedwith madmen sleeping insidethe burned-out guts of the funhouse . . .it’s awful, I say, blow the damn thing up,get it…
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November 18, 2021 0

This is the final version

Finally the L.A. Poetry Beach entrance tickets are ready. It’s a free festival but for the first 50 visitors we will have a ticket with on the back the signatures of the 12 poets on the festival.

November 18, 2021 0

What do you think of our LAPB Festival postcard?

The text in the top I will replace tomorrow with my own handwritting. Now time to go to bed!

November 17, 2021 0