This is the route and schedule of the Poetry Train 2024

The 5th Poetry Downtown Festival is canceled—unable to proceed as Drive Music Publishing didn't grant us the copyrights to celebrate the extraordinary life and work of 'Warrior Poet'.

This is the route and schedule of the Poetry Train 2024

May 31, 2024 Uncategorized 0

9/28 Massachussets | Rhode Island | Connecticut | New York | New Jersey | Pennsylvania 9/29 Delaware | Maryland

To honor Edgar Allan Poe, the 3rd Poetry Train starts this year in Boston and ends in Baltimore. We will stops in 20 big urban cities and small rural towns in 8 different states between Boston and Baltimore as Edgar Allan Poe was born in at January 19, 1809 in Boston and died at October 7, 1849 in Baltimore.

CityMilesTime (am/pm)City / StationState
September 28
106.35 amBoston – South StationMA
216.39 | 6.40 amBoston – Back Bay Station
3116:49 | 6:50 amWestwood – Route 128
4437:14 | 7:15 am ProvidenceRI
57.35 | 7:36 amKingston
67:50 | 7:50 amWesterly
71058:11 | 8:12 amNew LondonCT
81238:30 | 8:31 am Old Saybrook
91569:03 | 9:06 amNew Haven
101739:27 | 9:28 amBridgeport
111959:54 | 9:55 amStamford
1221210:15 | 10:16 amNew RochelleNY
1323110.51 am New York (Arrival)
12:00 – 5:05 pmPoetry Downtown New York
135:05 pmNew York (Departure)
142415.21 | 5:22 pmNewarkNJ
155:26 | 5:27 pmLiberty International Airport
165:38 | 5:40 pmMetropark
172996.02 | 6.03 pmTrenton
183896.30 pmPhiladelphia (Arrival)PA
Poetry Downtown Philadelphia
September 29
1811.56 amPhiladelphia (Departure)
1950512:16 | 12:18 pmWilmingtonDE
206901.10 pmBaltimoreMD