Poets: Get Ready To Die

The 5h Annual Poetry Downtown Festival honors John Trudell from September 23 - 28, 2025!

Poets: Get Ready To Die

September 9, 2024 Uncategorized 0

I use this poem from #kennethpatchen to make clear that:

This year’s selection process has been nothing short of a massacre. One-third of all poets failed to meet the points threshold. We are still in the process of finalizing the selections, as each jury member has three bonus or malus points to either secure a spot for a poet or remove someone from the list.

Here’s a brief overview:


  • Massachusetts:
    Nearly all entries from Massachusetts were eliminated. It feels like Edgar Allan Poe’s revenge. From all poets in this state, only one made the cut. I have a serious issue with Boston’s representation, but if that’s the outcome, I’ll accept it.


  • New Jersey:
    Same story here. Only one survivor! While it’s less dramatic than Massachusetts, it’s not as critical since we don’t host our festival in New Jersey. We just pass through.
  • Delaware:
    This year, we received our first-ever submission from Delaware, one of our Poetry Train States, but unfortunately, it didn’t make it into the anthology. I’m genuinely saddened by this.


  • Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois and North Carolina:
    All entries from these states have been eliminated. While I can live with the loss, I’m especially disappointed about Illinois. One of the poets had been with us for the last two editions, and she even read at our Los Angeles festival. Sadly, she didn’t make it this year.


  • North America
    We got one entry from Canada. He didn’t made it.
  • Europe
    This year we got poems from three different European countries, UK, Germany and Belarus. Only one entry from United Kindom got selected for our festival.
  • Asia
    We got one this year also an entry from India. He didn’t made it. 
  • Africa and Australia
    We got entries from Africa and Australia and in both continents we could come to a selection.
  • South America
    We didn’t get any entries from South America this year.

Fingers crossed—maybe, just maybe, the three bonus/malus points each jury member holds will change someone’s fate, either bringing them up or taking them down!