Our anthology will get this design
We will have a new design and we wonder if you like it
The 5th Poetry Downtown Festival is canceled—unable to proceed as Drive Music Publishing didn't grant us the copyrights to celebrate the extraordinary life and work of 'Warrior Poet'.
We will have a new design and we wonder if you like it
- 9/23 Omaha
- 9/24 Denver
- 9/25-26 Poetry Train
- 9/27 San Francisco
- 9/28 San Jose
Poetry Cab:
- www.poetrycab.com
- www.poetryonair.com
Poetry Downtown
attn. Erik van Loon
+31 6 E VAN LOON
+31 6 3 826 5666
* the 5th Poetry Downtown Festival is cancelled as Drive Music Publishing didn't want to grant us the copyrights to celebrate 'Warrior Poet' life and work.
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