Day 2

The 5th Poetry Downtown Festival is canceled—unable to proceed as Drive Music Publishing didn't grant us the copyrights to celebrate the extraordinary life and work of 'Warrior Poet'.

64 big cities and small towns

CityDayMilesTime (am/pm)City / StationState
1Wed 25 Sep0SUNRISE 6.45
6.45 am
New York CityNY
2107.00 | 7:05 amNewarkNJ
3587.37 | 7.42 amTrenton
4908.07 | 8.15 amPhiladelphiaPA
51168.41 | 8.44 amWilmingtonDE
61859.31 | 9.34 amBaltimoreMD
722510.13 | 10.59 amWashingtonDC
823311.16 | 11.19 amAlexandriaVA
925711.50 | 11.52 amManassas
1029212.24 | 12.25 pmCulpeper
113391.43 | 1.52 pmCharlottesville
123792.50 | 2.54 pmStaunton
134374.10 | 4.13 pmClifton Forge
144715.02 | 5.05 pmWhite Sulphur SpringsWV
154965.35 | 5.36 pmAlderson
165166.04 | 6.06 pmHinton
175396.39 | 6.43 pmPrince
185506.58 | 6.59 pmThurmond
19552SUNSET 7.24
7.49 | 7.50 pm
206188.23 | 8.29 pmCharleston
216679.44 | 9.51 pmHuntington
2268210.12 | 10.14 pmAshlandKY
2371210.56 | 10.57 pmSo. Portsmouth-So. Shore
2476511.50 | 11.52 pmMaysville